Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are those infections that are obviously caused by indulging in sexual activities. Any man who is straight, gay, single or married can get infected with an STD infection. Symptoms of STDs in men can be seen in any case, whether a man indulges in oral sex, vaginal sex or anal sex. The signs and symptoms of STDs in men are not very prominent. If you suspect sigs that you have an STD, speak to your doctor immediately. If you are able to spot the common symptoms of STDs in men, you can get it treated at the earliest and hence, can get cured completely. The following STDs symptoms in men will help you become aware of the symptoms as soon as possible.
Common STDs in Men
There are various sexually transmitted diseases a man can get infected with. There are a few commonly seen infections, so let us enlist them before moving on to the signs and symptoms of STDs in men:
* Chlamydia
* Genital herpes
* Genital warts or human papillomavirus
* Gonorrhea
* Hepatitis B
* Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that leads to AIDS.
* Hepatitis C
* Cytomegalovirus
* Pubic lice
* Scabies
* Syphilis
* Trichomoniasis
Common Symptoms of STDs in Men
Most of the time, STD symptoms in men are very subtle and one does not realize they have acquired an infection. Therefore, any sexually active individual should undergo a regular check up for STD and need to know where to get tested for STDs to clear off any doubts that point towards an infection. The common signs and symptoms of STDs in men are as follows:
* Burning sensation when urinating
* Yellowish, thick or white and watery discharge or a drip from penis
* Increased frequency in urination
* Bumps, blisters, or sores developing near the mouth or head of the penis and even near testicles
* Cloudy urine
* Itching, tingling, pain and burning genitals
* Prostatitis or deep pelvic ache
* Crusting at the tip of penis
Signs and Symptoms of STDs in Men
The above common symptoms of STDs in men are generalized signs that one should keep in mind. If you feel you are suffering from any of the following STDs, speak to your doctor immediately. Let us now discuss the signs and symptoms of STDs in men according to some commonly seen STDs in men.
The bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, causes the infection gonorrhea. The STD symptoms in men caused due to gonorrhea include burning sensation during urination, yellow or green discharge from penis, swollen testicles with pain. The other rectal gonnorhea symptoms in men include anal itching, soreness, discharge, bleeding along with painful bowel movement. Sometimes, one may develop sore throat if the bacteria start growing in the throat as one of the gonorrhea symptoms. These symptoms of STDs in men will take about 2 to 30 days to develop after initial infection. If left untreated it can lead to epididymytis. This is a very painful condition of the testicle ducts that can lead to infertility in men.
The bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, causes the infection Chlamydia. This is one of the most common STD infections seen in American men according to Center for Disease Control (CDC). The STD symptoms in men suffering from chlamydia include sensation of burning during urination, itching and burning around the penis opening and discharge from penis. If the chlamydia gain access to the rectum, then the chlamydia symptoms in men may include discharge, bleeding, and pain in rectum. The bacteria get transferred to the throat during oral sex. The symptoms may be seen within 1 to 3 weeks after initial infection.
The herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV - 1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV - 2) lead to genital herpes. The initial genital herpes symptoms in men include one or more blisters on the genital and anal region that gradually open up. This causes a painful, weeping ulcer that will take a long time, up to 5 weeks, to heal completely. The initial outbreaks of herpes blisters are very painful and the following outbreaks are less painful. This condition often has a tendency to recur.
One of the most dreaded sexually transmitted diseases is syphilis. The symptoms of syphilis may take many years to develop. There are different stages of syphilis, starting with the primary stage. Here, a single sore is seen that is called a chancre. This is a firm, round and painless chancre that goes away on its own in 3 to 3 weeks. Then gradually a second stage develops with syphilis symptoms of a rash, seen on skin along with the mucus membranes. This skin rash is very rough and is either red or brown in color. It may be seen on the palms of hands or soles of feet. One develops fever, swollen lymph glands, hair loss in patches, headache, weight loss and fatigue. The rash reduces on its own and the disease progresses to the late stage. In the late stage there are no visible symptoms but the body is still infected. In this stage instead, the systems of the body are infected, with the brain, nervous system, heart, liver, bones and joints being affected. This causes paralysis, numbness in the body, dementia, blindness and eventually death.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDs) is the main villain that attacks the immune system of a healthy body. This virus makes the immune system weak and vulnerable to other infections caused by opportunistic pathogens. The early symptoms of HIV infection include fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes that develop within 2 to 6 weeks of infection. There are many other HIV symptoms in men, which include diarrhea, fatigue, mouth sores and rashes that may develop after about 10 years of initial infection.
How to Prevent Symptoms of STDs in Men
There are certain precautions that can help lower your chances of developing an STD infection. You need to avoid high risk behaviors and never indulge in unsafe sexual activities. You should avoid having multiple partners, especially one night stands with partners you hardly know. Always use condoms and make sure you go in for regular check ups with your doctor and screen out possible infections.
This was all about the signs and symptoms of STDs in men. You need to remember these diseases are very painful and embarrassing infections. They may also lead to cancer and cause decrease in sperm count and infertility. I hope this article on STD symptoms in men has helped you gain some knowledge regarding these problematic infections.
Common STDs in Men
There are various sexually transmitted diseases a man can get infected with. There are a few commonly seen infections, so let us enlist them before moving on to the signs and symptoms of STDs in men:
* Chlamydia
* Genital herpes
* Genital warts or human papillomavirus
* Gonorrhea
* Hepatitis B
* Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that leads to AIDS.
* Hepatitis C
* Cytomegalovirus
* Pubic lice
* Scabies
* Syphilis
* Trichomoniasis
Common Symptoms of STDs in Men
Most of the time, STD symptoms in men are very subtle and one does not realize they have acquired an infection. Therefore, any sexually active individual should undergo a regular check up for STD and need to know where to get tested for STDs to clear off any doubts that point towards an infection. The common signs and symptoms of STDs in men are as follows:
* Burning sensation when urinating
* Yellowish, thick or white and watery discharge or a drip from penis
* Increased frequency in urination
* Bumps, blisters, or sores developing near the mouth or head of the penis and even near testicles
* Cloudy urine
* Itching, tingling, pain and burning genitals
* Prostatitis or deep pelvic ache
* Crusting at the tip of penis
Signs and Symptoms of STDs in Men
The above common symptoms of STDs in men are generalized signs that one should keep in mind. If you feel you are suffering from any of the following STDs, speak to your doctor immediately. Let us now discuss the signs and symptoms of STDs in men according to some commonly seen STDs in men.
The bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, causes the infection gonorrhea. The STD symptoms in men caused due to gonorrhea include burning sensation during urination, yellow or green discharge from penis, swollen testicles with pain. The other rectal gonnorhea symptoms in men include anal itching, soreness, discharge, bleeding along with painful bowel movement. Sometimes, one may develop sore throat if the bacteria start growing in the throat as one of the gonorrhea symptoms. These symptoms of STDs in men will take about 2 to 30 days to develop after initial infection. If left untreated it can lead to epididymytis. This is a very painful condition of the testicle ducts that can lead to infertility in men.
The bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, causes the infection Chlamydia. This is one of the most common STD infections seen in American men according to Center for Disease Control (CDC). The STD symptoms in men suffering from chlamydia include sensation of burning during urination, itching and burning around the penis opening and discharge from penis. If the chlamydia gain access to the rectum, then the chlamydia symptoms in men may include discharge, bleeding, and pain in rectum. The bacteria get transferred to the throat during oral sex. The symptoms may be seen within 1 to 3 weeks after initial infection.
The herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV - 1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV - 2) lead to genital herpes. The initial genital herpes symptoms in men include one or more blisters on the genital and anal region that gradually open up. This causes a painful, weeping ulcer that will take a long time, up to 5 weeks, to heal completely. The initial outbreaks of herpes blisters are very painful and the following outbreaks are less painful. This condition often has a tendency to recur.
One of the most dreaded sexually transmitted diseases is syphilis. The symptoms of syphilis may take many years to develop. There are different stages of syphilis, starting with the primary stage. Here, a single sore is seen that is called a chancre. This is a firm, round and painless chancre that goes away on its own in 3 to 3 weeks. Then gradually a second stage develops with syphilis symptoms of a rash, seen on skin along with the mucus membranes. This skin rash is very rough and is either red or brown in color. It may be seen on the palms of hands or soles of feet. One develops fever, swollen lymph glands, hair loss in patches, headache, weight loss and fatigue. The rash reduces on its own and the disease progresses to the late stage. In the late stage there are no visible symptoms but the body is still infected. In this stage instead, the systems of the body are infected, with the brain, nervous system, heart, liver, bones and joints being affected. This causes paralysis, numbness in the body, dementia, blindness and eventually death.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDs) is the main villain that attacks the immune system of a healthy body. This virus makes the immune system weak and vulnerable to other infections caused by opportunistic pathogens. The early symptoms of HIV infection include fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes that develop within 2 to 6 weeks of infection. There are many other HIV symptoms in men, which include diarrhea, fatigue, mouth sores and rashes that may develop after about 10 years of initial infection.
How to Prevent Symptoms of STDs in Men
There are certain precautions that can help lower your chances of developing an STD infection. You need to avoid high risk behaviors and never indulge in unsafe sexual activities. You should avoid having multiple partners, especially one night stands with partners you hardly know. Always use condoms and make sure you go in for regular check ups with your doctor and screen out possible infections.
This was all about the signs and symptoms of STDs in men. You need to remember these diseases are very painful and embarrassing infections. They may also lead to cancer and cause decrease in sperm count and infertility. I hope this article on STD symptoms in men has helped you gain some knowledge regarding these problematic infections.
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