Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Yoga Health Benefits

When it comes to improving overall health, many people prefer to join a gym. However, to achieve physical strength and mental well being, an exercise routine at the gym is not the only option. Yoga, too can be beneficial to promote physical and mental well being. With the ever growing popularity of gyms, yoga has taken a backseat. However, the fact remains that yoga can provide ample of health benefits, when it is done consistently.

Yoga Health Benefits

Be it increasing height, achieving weight loss or controlling the mind, one can certainly rely on this ancient discipline (yoga). The health benefits of yoga positively affect various aspects of our lives. The benefits span from experiencing spiritual joy, to staying active. People can bring increased happiness in their lives through regular yoga practice. There are different styles of yoga, and some of the most popular being Hatha and Bikram yoga. These are explained below:

Hatha Yoga Health Benefits
This is one form of yoga which involves doing a series of poses combined with breathing and meditation techniques. Benefits of Hatha yoga are given below:

Stress Management
People who practice Hatha yoga on a regular basis, find it easier to manage stress. Hatha yoga is an effective approach to get relief from stress. So, those looking for an effective way to de-stress, need to follow some of the postures that come under Hatha yoga.

Relaxes the Mind
Pranayam that forms an integral part of Hatha yoga, is like a mind relaxant, which helps to achieve peace of mind. Pranayam focuses on breathing process of our body. It involves performing a set of breathing exercises that not only relieves stress from the mind but also improves concentration. Pranayam can play a crucial to control the mind and increase will power. Regularly practicing pranayam can help to experience divine happiness and achieve a trans like state. Asthma and bronchitis patients are often advised to do a session of pranayam to ease the discomfort. These deep breathing techniques is an effective solution to resolve mental problems like depression and anxiety.

Physical Benefits
Different postures in Hatha yoga can bring overall flexibility and increased bone strength. Those looking for lifestyle disorders like obesity and weight gain, should also follow Hatha yoga. Read more on hatha yoga poses.

Bikram Yoga Health Benefits
The Bikram Yoga comprises of 26 postures and is a popular form of yoga, founded by Bikram Chaudhary. What distinguishes this system of yoga from other styles of yoga is the temperature at which these postures are performed. The poses in Bikram yoga are not practiced at normal room temperature. In fact, the room temperature is increased to 105 degree Fahrenheit, using a heater. Following are the benefits of Bikram yoga:

Detoxifies the Body
Bikram yoga poses are performed in a relatively hot environment, so the person is bound to sweat profusely. As Bikram yoga promotes sweating, it helps to detoxify the body by allowing the body to expel toxins in the form of sweat. Sweating helps the body to release the toxins, which in turns promotes overall health.

Promotes Weight Loss
When Bikram yoga is practiced daily, it speeds up metabolic rate, thus providing a stimulus to the calorie burning process. As a number of calories burnt daily increase dramatically, it transforms into weight loss.

Provides Mental Stability
Being a cardiovascular workout, it not only provides physical well being, but can also enhance mental health. The sweaty, vigorous poses of Bikram yoga can work wonders to improve concentration levels as well as ease the stress and relax the mind.

Laughter Yoga Health Benefits
Laughter yoga is a blend of simulated laughter and breathing techniques. As we all know, laughter is a natural anti-depressant, so it can help to uplift the mood. Laughter yoga is based on the principle that one does not have to necessarily hear a joke or watch a comedy serial to laugh. One has to just simulate laughter, until it becomes real. This yoga technique assists to overcome mental disorders like anxiety and stress.

Life is like a long journey and to make this journey a smooth ride, making yoga an indispensable part of your daily routine, is essential. Fitness freaks say that a daily cardiovascular workout at the gym can reduce stress, but practicing yoga techniques everyday can actually take away the stress from the soul. That's the difference! So after consulting with an experienced yoga expert, start practicing this ancient technique to derive yoga health benefits.

1 comment:

  1. There are several benefits of yoga. One is the meditative aspect to help you relax and clear your mind. This in turn can help your body relax, the body of toxins naturally lower blood pressure and muscle tension. Another advantage is the physical aspect, referring to the interests relax the muscles, ligaments and tendons, while focusing on deep breathing.
